The Truth Behind Walkaway Wives: Debunking 7 Absurd Myths
Blog Divorce Issues Love and Relationships

The Truth Behind Walkaway Wives: Debunking 7 Absurd Myths

In recent years, the term “walkaway wives” has gained prominence in discussions about marriage and divorce. These are women who, after careful consideration or “sudden” realization, decide to end their marriages. I put “sudden” in parentheses because it is anything but sudden. It often takes women years to come to this difficult choice. Before getting to the “meat and potatoes” of this article, I wanted to go over what walkaway wives are – and what they are not, but first, why does this phrase raise hackles on some women? Let’s discuss… Walkaway Wives: Why the Term is Offensive to Some …

7 Secrets to Letting Go of Resentment in Relationships
Blog Love and Relationships

7 Secrets to Letting Go of Resentment in Relationships

Resentment can be a toxic force that erodes the foundation of any relationship and is a clear indication that things are amiss in it. In one of my other posts, on the stages of resentment I refer to it as an “insidious, quiet little monster” because many of us don’t realize the damage of resentment in our relationships does until it’s too late. It’s a natural response to hurt or unfair treatment, but if left unchecked, it can lead to bitterness and distance. If there is any relationship in your life that will be seriously affected by an inability of …

12 Behaviors Clueless Husbands Do That Cause Walkaway Wife
Blog Divorce Issues Love and Relationships

12 Behaviors Clueless Husbands Do That Cause Walkaway Wife

The Factors That Contribute to a Walkaway Wife: A Closer Look at Husbands’ Actions Marriage is a complex and dynamic relationship that requires effort, commitment, and understanding from both partners. Unfortunately, not all marriages succeed, and some couples reach a point where one partner decides to walk away. In many cases, it is the wife who chooses to leave, and this phenomenon has been referred to as a “walkaway wife.” While there are numerous reasons why a wife may decide to end her marriage, this article will focus on the actions and behaviors of clueless husbands that may contribute to …

Walkaway Wife: 14 Important Questions to Contemplate Before Becoming One
Blog Divorce Issues Love and Relationships

Walkaway Wife: 14 Important Questions to Contemplate Before Becoming One

In marriage, there often comes a juncture where the once glittering path of love and companionship feels shrouded in disillusionment and frustration. For many women on the brink of this crossroad, the notion of becoming a “walkaway wife” looms large, signaling a potential departure from the union. Before taking that pivotal step, it’s imperative to go on a soul-searching journey, to explore the labyrinth of emotions and questions to contemplate that accompany such a decision. Expect a shocked reaction from your “clueless” husband, even if you’ve tried talking with him about your unhappiness numerous times. Maybe you tried to be …

3 Secret Clues Your Body Is Rejecting Someone
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

3 Secret Clues Your Body Is Rejecting Someone

I remember the first time I felt that sensation that my body is rejecting someone (also known as “The Ick”.) It was over something really dumb. I went on a date with a guy I worked with that ended up being a total disaster. His mistake? He showed up wearing corduroy pants. Yes, that’s the reason my body rejected him, and I felt it physically clenching up inside as soon as I opened the door and saw him dressed like that. I admit, it was super petty of me, but it was the late 80s, and I was in my …

5 Stealthy Resentment Stages in Relationships You Need to Avoid
Blog Love and Relationships

5 Stealthy Resentment Stages in Relationships You Need to Avoid

Resentment. That insidious, quiet little monster, responsible for nuking millions of relationships. Why is it so hard to get past? My marriage is rife with these resentment stages. Every. Single. One. Of them. It’s to the point where I don’t speak to my spouse unless necessary. Nearly every interaction we have with each other is a negative one. No, we aren’t screaming and throwing plates across the room. We are well past that “passionate” stage of fighting and make up sex. That ship sailed a long time ago. At first, it was a relief. The quiet was nice, but something …

7 Emotional Pitfalls You Need to Avoid During Gray Divorce
Blog Divorce Issues

7 Emotional Pitfalls You Need to Avoid During Gray Divorce

While going through a gray divorce, it’s essential to be mindful of emotional pitfalls that can hinder your well-being, as well as your outcome once the dust settles. Emotions, while very powerful, are fleeting. The way you feel today, may not be how you feel tomorrow. Keeping these 7 emotional pitfalls in mind, will go a long way towards a happier, healthier outcome. That’s the name of the game, right? Getting through a tough life-changing upheaval like gray divorce with as little emotional damage as possible. I am not trying to make light of these emotions. What you are feeling …

Late Life Divorce: 5 Significant Emotional Survival Challenges
Blog Divorce Issues Love and Relationships

Late Life Divorce: 5 Significant Emotional Survival Challenges

The Emotional Terrain of Gray Divorce: Strategies for Coping and Emotional Survival Late life divorce, often referred to as gray divorce, presents unique emotional survival challenges that can be daunting to navigate. You may be struggling with the end of a long-term relationship or adjusting to newfound independence, but the steps needed towards your emotional survival from gray divorce can be profound. In this comprehensive article, I explore the emotional landscape of late life divorce, offer coping strategies, and discuss key factors for emotional survival. 5 Emotional Survival Challenges of Late Life Divorce Late life divorce brings forth a myriad …

7 Examples of Covert Manipulation in Intimate Relationships
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

7 Examples of Covert Manipulation in Intimate Relationships

The 7 Most Common Covert Emotional Manipulation Tactics in Relationships Relationships are meant to be spaces of love, respect, and mutual support. However, there are instances where control dynamics creep in, turning what should be a partnership, into a source of manipulation and coercion. Covert manipulation serves as the basis for various types of domestic abuse. It revolves around power dynamics within relationships. Physical, financial, and manipulative abuse all stem from covert emotional manipulation tactics. What are the Main Phases of Covert Manipulation? Coercive control, also known as covert manipulation, is a term gaining recognition in recent years, refers to …

Narcissistic Psychological Blackmail: 9 Red Flags To Watch For
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Narcissistic Psychological Blackmail: 9 Red Flags To Watch For

Surviving Narcissistic Psychological Blackmail As someone who has navigated the treacherous waters of narcissistic emotional manipulation, I understand the toll it can take on one’s mental and emotional well-being. It’s a complex, and often subtle form of psychological manipulation that can leave you feeling trapped and powerless. Through my own experience, I’ve learned to identify the typical narcissistic psychological blackmail warning signs, develop coping strategies, and finally go on a journey of healing. Here are nine examples of red flags to watch for, along with some insights into coping with narcissistic abuse tactics and reclaiming your life. 9 Examples of …