Inside the Narcissistic Mind: 5 Reasons Truth Holds No Value
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Inside the Narcissistic Mind: 5 Reasons Truth Holds No Value

Narcissism, a term derived from the Greek myth of Narcissus, speaks volumes about an individual’s self-absorption, grandiosity, and inability to empathize with others. When it comes to truth, narcissists seem to have an uncanny ability to twist, manipulate, or outright disregard it. When their very definition of “success” is control and power, they can’t let a pesky thing like truth and honesty get in the way. They’ve got bigger fish to fry! Today, we dive deep into the psyche of the narcissistic mind, discussing why truth holds no value for them, what really goes on in their consciousness, the big …

Healthy Boundaries in Relationships: Never Tolerate These 9 Behaviors
Blog Dating Friendship Issues Lifestyle Love and Relationships Personal Development

Healthy Boundaries in Relationships: Never Tolerate These 9 Behaviors

In cultivating fulfilling and respectful relationship limits, maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships is paramount. Whether with friends, family, or romantic partners, setting clear examples of healthy boundaries ensures mutual respect, understanding, and emotional well-being. To uphold examples of healthy boundaries, there are certain behaviors I never tolerate. These nine practices serve as my guiding principles in encouraging healthy and fulfilling relationships, safeguarding both my own integrity and the integrity of others. When setting healthy boundaries in relationships, it’s important to make it known that there will be consequences if your relationship limits are crossed….and stick to them! Healthy Boundaries in …

How Indifference in Relationships Kills — or Saves It
Blog Love and Relationships

How Indifference in Relationships Kills — or Saves It

Mastering Emotional Detachment: A Guide to Indifference in Relationships Meaning of Indifference in the Context of Relationships (noun): A state of emotional detachment or disinterest characterized by a lack of engagement, concern, or investment in the well-being and dynamics of a romantic partnership or interpersonal connection. Indifference in relationships often manifests as minimal effort, communication breakdown, and a lack of empathy, potentially leading to erosion of intimacy and eventual dissolution of the relationship if left unaddressed. It can arise from various factors, including unresolved conflicts, emotional exhaustion, or a fundamental mismatch in values or priorities between partners. Recognizing and addressing …

Resentment in Marriage: Understanding the 10 Disastrous Root Causes
Blog Love and Relationships

Resentment in Marriage: The 10 Disastrous Root Causes

The Silent Poison: Resentment in Marriage Resentment in marriage is like a silent poison, slowly corroding the foundation of love and trust upon which a healthy relationship is built. It can start small, perhaps with a minor disagreement or unmet expectation, but if left unchecked, it can grow into a formidable barrier that threatens the fabric of the marital bond. In my experience, resentment in marriage has been between my husband and I for years now. Due to my innate desire to be a “good wife,” and keep things peaceful, I have made the mistake of stuffing my anger down. …

The Excruciating Emotional Toll of Divorce: 7 Things That Push Our Absolute Limits
Blog Divorce Issues

Emotional Toll of Divorce: 7 Things That Push Our Absolute Limits

One of the reasons I stayed in my marriage so long, was because I was aware of the emotional toll of divorce. I’d witnessed how it can destroy people, if they let it. I saw the emotional effects of divorce take good, strong, men and women, and turn them into people they didn’t recognize; people they didn’t want to be. I was not confident I could weather that storm. The emotions during divorce is devastating, and it can steal your soul, your wallet, your health, your emotional well-being (obviously), your mental health, and more. It doesn’t have to be this …

Narcissistic Control: 15 Sneaky Tactics and How to Counter Them
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Narcissistic Control: 15 Sneaky Tactics – How to Counter Them

Introduction Navigating relationships can be complex, especially when dealing with individuals who possess narcissistic tendencies, as found in Dark Triad personality disorders. These people often employ various tactics to maintain control and manipulate those around them. Many of us may be totally unaware that we are being controlled until we are deep in a relationship — narcs are that good at what they do! In fact, they live for it. All the world’s a stage, when you’re a narc, and we are just supporting actors. Recognizing these tactics is important for preserving one’s well-being and autonomy. In this article, we’ll …

7 Critical Indicators of Emotional Exhaustion You Shouldn't Ignore
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

7 Critical Indicators of Emotional Exhaustion You Shouldn’t Ignore

Have you ever felt emotionally drained and exhausted, but brushed it off as just a part of life? Sometimes emotional exhaustion may be caused by a rocky, toxic relationship that has left you seething with resentment, a narcissistic child, or a stressful career. There is a book called “The Body Keeps the Score” that discusses the physical affects of of emotional exhaustion as well as other external factors. What if I told you there are 7 critical indicators of emotional exhaustion that you should never ignore? Let’s discuss how these signs can impact your well-being and what you can do …

Avoid These 18 Relationship Deal Breakers at All Costs
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Avoid These 18 Relationship Deal Breakers at All Costs

Did you know that 89% of people consider bad hygiene to be a relationship deal breaker? Discover the top 18 relationship deal breakers and how to avoid them in order to maintain a healthy and successful relationship. As I reflect on my past relationships, I can’t help but cringe at the numerous dealbreakers I have encountered along the way. From communication issues to infidelity, I have experienced it all-well almost all. When I first started dating my now-husband, I thought everything was going great. That is, until he revealed his love for Nickelback and his refusal to put the toilet …

15 Clear Signs You're Not Ready for a Relationship
Blog Dating Love and Relationships Personal Development

15 Clear Signs You’re Not Ready for a Relationship

Are you exhibiting any of these 15 signs that indicate you’re not be ready for a relationship? Find out if you’re truly prepared for a healthy and fulfilling romantic connection. Romantic affection acts as a potent elixir, enchanting and compelling. It conjures images of fluttering butterflies, dazzling fireworks, soft-spoken pledges, and shared aspirations. However, beneath this glittering facade of infatuation often lies a stark truth: you might not be adequately prepared for a romantic commitment. Plunging into a serious partnership prematurely can resemble navigating an emotional minefield, potentially resulting in heartbreak, resentment, and a stark departure from the fairy tale …