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Husband’s Anger: Women’s 19 Hidden Struggles and Feelings Revealed

Husband's Anger: Women’s 19 Hidden Struggles and Feelings Revealed

If you live with an angry man, and find yourself constantly walking on eggshells to dodge the incessant tirades, my heart goes out to you. I’ve posted previously about the critical warnings that your husband’s anger is destroying your marriage.

I feel that this topic needed revisiting, because it’s such a huge issue with many couples. Many times it leads to abuse. I also believe men’s anger is a method of controlling their wives. I wanted to highlight women’s hidden struggles when dealing with their husband’s anger.

There was a time when my husband’s anger was a huge bone of contention in our relationship. Although he’s a bit better at controlling his temper, the damage has already been done. I no longer feel emotionally safe with him, and this has lead to a sexless marriage.

In fact, I’d say his anger issues are what likely killed my love for him. I didn’t realize until later, much later, that it was a way of controlling me, and the situation. Mainly, his “shock and awe” approach with me, was to get me to shut up.

By this, I mean a very quick, 0-60 in 2 seconds, escalation of anger. The kind that leaves you reeling, mentally, emotionally and physically.

My husband’s anger issues have come up in the worst places. Once on a plane, another time in a restaurant, shortly after we met. That should have been a HUGE red flag. I figured he’d grow out of it. He never really did. What a huge mistake that was!

The shock and awe method rarely worked with me, because I refuse to be controlled. Instead, it resulted in a lot of screaming, out of control fights. I admit, I allowed myself to be emotionally reactive during these times, because I lost my cool. I was scared of him, but I refused to let it show.

If anyone knows how to press my buttons, it’s my husband. Looking back, I think a lot of his anger issues comes from his controlling mom. She could really bark out some zingers, (‘zingers’ is my word for her totally uncalled-for, and unnecessary nasty, and hurtful comments) so I’m sure he, and his siblings were all at the receiving end of her snapping at them out of nowhere, the entire time they were growing up.

The odd thing is that he, nor his siblings, ever seemed to carry any resentment towards her for it. They were there for her until the day she passed away. I get the feeling that angry outbursts were commonplace in his house while growing up, so the family normalized it.

The saying in his family was, “she means well.” This sounds like making excuses for bad behavior to me.

She didn’t have much of a filter when she got angry, and neither does my husband. His fragile masculinity feeds his emotional immaturity, and it comes out like a beast during arguments, as well. It’s obvious that he didn’t have a good role model for controlling anger issues during his formative years. To him, anger issues in relationships were as natural as breathing.

Women’s hidden struggles when living with the chaos of an angry man will cause emotional exhaustion at best, as well as slowly kill your spirit.

At worst? You can lose your life. Especially if alcohol is involved and you are dealing with an angry drunk. It takes a lot less time for someone’s nasty temper to go from zero to sixty if they are hitting the sauce hard.

Women’s Hidden Struggles on Dealing With Their Husband’s Anger

When men’s anger gets out of control, and he starts screaming, women often experience a range of intense emotions and physical reactions. Here are some common feelings and responses:

Here are a few:

  1. Fear and Intimidation: Many women feel fear or intimidation when faced with an angry man, especially if the anger is directed towards them. Anger can be perceived as a precursor to potential violence or emotional abuse.

2. Concern for Safety: Women often prioritize their safety and may feel anxious about being around angry men, particularly in personal relationships or isolated settings.

3. Discomfort and Anxiety: The presence of an angry man can create a tense and uncomfortable atmosphere. Women may feel anxious and on edge, anticipating potential conflict or escalation.

4. Perception of Unpredictability: Anger in men can be seen as a sign of emotional instability or unpredictability. Women may feel uncertain about how the angry man will react in various situations, leading to stress and avoidance.

5. Communication Breakdown: Anger can hinder effective communication. Women might feel that it’s challenging to have constructive conversations with angry men, leading to frustration and misunderstandings.

6. Desire for Emotional Maturity: Many women value emotional maturity and self-control in partners and peers. Consistent anger can be viewed as a lack of these qualities, making relationships and interactions difficult.

7. Empathy and Understanding: Some women may try to understand the underlying reasons for a man’s anger, offering empathy and support. They might consider external factors like stress, trauma, or mental health issues contributing to the anger.

8. Self-Blame: Women may internalize the anger, blaming themselves for their partner’s outbursts, believing they have done something to provoke the anger.

9. Protective Instincts: If children are involved, women may feel a strong instinct to protect them from exposure to anger and conflict, which can be harmful to their development.

10. Exhaustion and Burnout: Constantly managing or appeasing an angry partner can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion, contributing to a sense of burnout and helplessness.

11. Confusion and Doubt: Manipulative behaviors, such as gaslighting, can make women doubt their perceptions and feel confused about the reality of the situation.

12. Isolation: Fear of judgment or stigma can lead women to isolate themselves, avoiding sharing their experiences with friends or family.

13. Frustration and Resentment: Persistent anger and conflict can lead to feelings of frustration and resentment towards the partner, eroding the emotional bond and connection.

14. Shock and Disbelief: The sudden escalation of anger can be shocking and leave women feeling stunned or disoriented.

15. Physical Symptoms: The stress and fear induced by screaming can cause physical symptoms such as a racing heart, trembling, sweating, or nausea.

16. Emotional Numbness: In some cases, women may become emotionally numb as a coping mechanism to protect themselves from the intense emotional pain.

17. Embarrassment and Shame: Especially if the screaming happens in public or in front of others, women may feel deeply embarrassed and ashamed.

18. Boundaries and Self-Protection: Women might establish clear boundaries to protect themselves from the negative effects of an angry man’s behavior. This could include limiting interactions, or ending relationships that are consistently harmful.

19. Desire to Escape: The overwhelming nature of being screamed at can lead to a strong desire to escape the situation, either temporarily or permanently.

Husband's Anger: Women’s 19 Hidden Struggles and Feelings Revealed Infographic

Strategies for Coping With a Man’s Anger Issues

When a husband’s anger spirals out of control, the standard advice to leave the room or take a break might not always feel like a real solution. While creating physical distance can help at the moment, it’s important to focus on the emotional and psychological aspects of coping with intense anger, especially when it becomes a repeated issue in the relationship.

There are deeper ways to manage this situation beyond just removing yourself.

Get Down to the Root Cause of His Anger

One powerful approach is understanding the root causes of your husband’s anger. Many times, rage is a symptom of unresolved internal conflicts, stress, or emotional wounds. While it’s not your job to “fix” him, developing a deeper awareness of what may trigger his outbursts can help you better anticipate and de-escalate situations.

For example, keeping a journal of patterns—what sets off the anger, when it happens—can provide insight, which might later guide a more meaningful conversation during calmer moments. This doesn’t excuse the anger, but it provides a pathway to address it more constructively.

Emotional Grounding Techniques

Another less-known coping method is working on emotional grounding techniques for yourself. If you’re constantly walking on eggshells, your emotional health is under siege. Grounding exercises, like mindfulness or deep-breathing techniques, help you stay centered when tensions rise.

By staying emotionally grounded, you won’t absorb his anger or react with heightened anxiety, which often escalates the situation.

Setting Internal Boundaries

In addition, setting internal boundaries is just as essential as setting physical ones. This means making it clear to yourself what you will and won’t tolerate emotionally. When you have a strong internal boundary, you remind yourself that his anger doesn’t define you, nor are you responsible for managing his emotions.

This can empower you to remain calm and detached from the emotional storm while protecting your own mental well-being.

Support Outside the Relationship

Lastly, consider seeking external support beyond therapy for him or the relationship. Look for community resources like support groups specifically for partners dealing with anger issues in relationships. Hearing from others who are navigating similar struggles can offer validation, practical tips, and the reassurance that you’re not alone in coping with the emotional toll of a husband’s anger issues.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, women’s hidden struggles with angry men are multifaceted and influenced by a range of factors. Understanding these perspectives can create better communication, empathy, and healthier relationships between both men, and women.

It’s important to recognize that anger issues in relationships, especially when it becomes a pattern or involves aggression, is a serious problem that can have significant emotional and psychological impacts.

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