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How Bitter Men View Women: 15 Shocking Examples of How They Cope

How Bitter Men View Women: 15 Shocking Examples of How They Cope

The Bitter Men Club strikes again.

Content creators for the news aggregator that I write for, get NO options for blocking these mouth breathers, whose boorish comments lend absolutely nothing useful to the conversation. Just the same bitter men and their usual word vomit, befitting of the lonesome losers they know they are.

I know most content creators don’t bother reading the comments.

I can see why.

If I was one of thinner skin, I think it would start affecting my mental health. However, my skin has thickened, and that is why I’ll be sharing some of their more revealing comments with you today.

What’s equally disturbing, is not only the filth, but the outright generalizations, and objectification about women that I see over, and over. I pointed this out previously in my article on male fragility and it’s connections to abuse in relationships, where again, I showcase more of the toxic, and ugly things posted by bitter men. They didn’t disappoint, as always.

Bitter men make it so easy to feel disgust, and to hate them, starting with the revolting, boorish things they say. And then they wonder why they are so pathetically sad, and alone, with their crippling self-esteem issues, and big emotional deficits.

There is no self reflection on their part of the break-up. It’s all the women’s fault, according to them.

The sad thing that the bitter men crowd doesn’t realize, is it doesn’t have to be this way, but I don’t see it as my job to fix them, so I let their hatred shine through.

They are perfect examples to women of whom to avoid.

At all costs. A man in this state of mind, will make a horrible boyfriend or husband, and they aren’t ready to be in a relationship. Until he is committed to working on himself, his relationships will fail.

Since there is no moderation, they can say whatever crosses their minds with absolutely zero fucks given, because there are no consequences of getting banned, or outed personally. This, and their relative anonymity, really gives them license to cut loose, no holds barred!

Below, are screenshots of comments left on an article I wrote on why some divorced women over 50 are opting for solo living.

Some of these comments are from my “regulars” — those “charmers” who seem to have a huge stick up their ass when it comes to women.

Bitter men tend to find their way over to my articles, like moths to a flame. This is likely so they can emotionally unload on women — any woman-in the comments.

They know the women will be there to read articles for help, advice, support and – to get away from guys like these in their lives.

Bitter Men Example #1

See what this “charismatic flirt” going by the very fitting screen name of “Al Bundy,” had to say about my article on women over 50 choosing to stay single. This one turned my stomach.

….. Continuing on with more from the “Bitter Men, Woman Haters Club….”

Some thought processes behind the comments are strange to me. Look what Boyd has to say.

Is he insinuating the single women were “bragging” about being single in my article? A stated preference is not a brag — but whatever. I think this was his way of giving “advice” in a roundabout way?

Bitter Men Example #2

Here we have the “cat lady” comments. No discussion about women preferring the peaceful bliss of solo living, as opposed to this “Prince Charming,” would be complete without this clever, and oh-so-original little quip!

Then there’s Arthur, who plays right into the bitter men stereotype with more generalizations. He also missed the entire point of the article, which is that WOMEN DON’T WANT THEM. Women don’t NEED THEM.

Emotional Blockheads. It’s no wonder women are so much happier than men, when living the solo life!

Why would any woman want to be within a mile of these creeps? Do they realize what they look like to us?

Look here, more love from the likes of “Richard the Enchanter.” He’s another of my regulars that doesn’t seem to have much to offer women, or anyone really, and it shows.

Did he mean he would take glee in watching a woman get eaten alive by a bear on pay per view??

We’ll see more from this card-carrying member of the bitter men club in a bit…

Of course, the “closet full of toys” comment is back to pay a visit from more bitter men. This low-brow still thinks that all women think about is sex, 24-7 — the way he does. He’s got nothing else going for him, and probably a wham-bam-thank you-mam type … a 15-second legend in the sack.

Mr. Dao thinks he’s an expert on women. A real life “Casanova”.

I can tell that Cassandra is soo “impressed.” I bet she could hardly contain herself after getting an eyeful about women basically being called c@m dumpsters.

Where, do these incels, get these ideas that women over 50 are useless because we don’t get pregnant anymore? We are just “semen reservoirs” to him?

What is this, Little House on the Prairie? Women’s worth is still tied up in how many kids we can give a man? Yawnnn.

Yeah, that will send the ladies running…

….far, far away from this smooth talker!

Earlier, I mentioned that we will hear again from this “ladies man” named Richard. This lonesome loser never lets me down, like he obviously did the poor women in his off-screen life.

He says women over 50 only have “used up box” to offer a man.

Does he kiss his mother with that mouth?? Ew.

What planet are these a-holes from?

Then we have “Truth Teller”, another of my regulars, and might I mention, he thinks he’s a real heart-throb, who as usual, turns the power back to men “shunning marriage.” No, genius, the article is about women shunning marriage.

Really? Is that why way more men jump right back into a marriage, after divorce, than women? I wonder where this genius pulls his stats from? A simple search states this to be true.

What do you think their chances are of finding love again?

Slim to none, if you ask me.

While these comments are disgusting at best, I think they are also telling as to what goes through a guy’s mind after he has been dumped. It’s highly, highly, likely these bitter men are a product of a walkaway wife scenario, due to being a clueless husband, although there is no way of telling for sure. I sure see a lot of complaints from men saying they “didn’t see it coming” which most women know is simply BS.

Women tell them until we are blue in the face about what makes us unhappy — they choose not to hear it, because in their minds, she won’t ever leave “His Excellency.”

I’ve written extensively about it. These men aren’t blindsighted, they are just willfully blind. It’s much easier to blame the person who is no longer around to tell her side of the story.

Again, absolutely zero self reflection on their part. Playing the victim role is much easier.

How Bitter Men Cope After Being Dumped

Bitter men who feel lonely after being dumped may develop negative views towards women as a way to cope with their emotional pain.

These views can manifest as:

1. Blaming Women: They may blame women for their unhappiness and failed relationships.

2. Generalizing: They might stereotype all women based on their negative experience with one person.

3. Resentment: They may harbor resentment and hold grudges, which can lead to unhealthy interactions with future partners.

4. Control and Power: They might try to exert control in future relationships to prevent being hurt again.

5. Distrust: They might become overly suspicious and distrustful of women’s intentions, believing that they will be hurt again.

6. Objectification: Some may start to see women as objects rather than individuals, focusing on superficial traits rather than emotional connections.

How Bitter Men Cope After Being Dumped Infographic

7. Avoidance: They might avoid forming deep emotional relationships altogether, fearing vulnerability and potential rejection.

8. Revenge: A few might seek revenge on women, either emotionally or physically, as a misguided way to deal with their pain.

9. Self-Pity: They could indulge in self-pity, seeing themselves as perpetual victims of women’s actions.

10. Isolation: Some may isolate themselves from women entirely, choosing to live a solitary life to avoid emotional pain.

11. Manipulation: They might employ manipulative tactics to control women in relationships, using guilt or emotional blackmail to maintain power.

12. Cynicism: They might develop a cynical attitude towards women, believing that all women have ulterior motives or are untrustworthy.

13. Projection: Bitter men may project their own insecurities and shortcomings onto women, blaming them for issues that stem from their own unresolved feelings.

14. Hyper-Criticism: They may become hyper-critical of women, constantly finding flaws or reasons to put them down as a way to feel superior.

15. Jealousy: A strong sense of jealousy can emerge, with these men feeling threatened by women’s independence or success, leading to attempts to undermine or belittle them.

Final Thoughts on Bitter Men

These patterns of behavior often stem from a mix of emotional pain, insecurity, and a desire to regain control. Understanding these behaviors is a critical step toward healing and establishing healthier relationships.

These behaviors are rooted in a need to regain a sense of control and cope with feelings of rejection and inadequacy. Recognizing these patterns is essential for understanding and addressing unhealthy relationship dynamics.

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