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How to Discuss Your Husband’s Hygiene Without a Fight

How to Discuss Your Husband's Hygiene Without a Fight

Let’s be real—talking about your husband’s hygiene can feel like stepping into a minefield. On one hand, you want to be honest and direct, but on the other hand, you don’t want to sound like his mom, nagging him about taking a shower or wearing deodorant — and you certainly shouldn’t have to.

To be honest, the fact that so many guys, (I’d venture to guess at least half,) have some serious hygiene issues. This blows me away since men seem so obsessed with sex. Surely they must know that body stench makes women want to run away, screaming into the night???

The Disconnect With Cleanliness and Husband’s Poor Hygiene Habits

There is an obvious major disconnect between many men and cleanliness.

I used to get on about my husband’s hygiene with brushing his teeth. He either wouldn’t do it long enough (like, 30 seconds, if that) or, he would skip brushing all together. This was difficult for me to understand, as his very controlling mother worked at a dentist’s office for decades!

You’d think he would have had that part of his hygiene committed to memory as a must-do daily habit. But no, that was not the case. He didn’t seem to care one iota that this bothered me, and he ignored my unhappiness on the matter.

Now, my husband’s hygiene not an issue, because I don’t get close enough to him to care anymore. I guess that’s one way to solve the issue!

It seems that a lot of men have waay lower hygiene standards than most women. For some of them, the bar seems to be on the ground. This is evident by the countless Reddit posts I’ve seen, with women struggling to understand their husband’s poor hygiene, as well as why their men can’t, or won’t, at the very least, properly wipe their behind.

Even if we dont get close enough to smell it, the evidence of our husband’s bad hygiene is still there in the form of skid marks on their undies. Gross.

Don’t even get me started on urine around, and on, the toilet. Especially if they are drinkers. If they are drinkers, the stench gets ten fold, as well as make them sucky, angry, and possibly dangerous partners due to alcoholism.

I have even heard of doctors with hygiene issues (my mom worked with one). My only conclusion is these men really don’t care to catch a woman. It seems like their aim is to repel women, along with everyone else!

Another interesting aspect is the typical age group for smelly men. I was surprised/not surprised that the ages range from young to middle aged men.

I get that younger guys can smell. I deal with it on a regular basis with my son who is in his early 20s.

When he was a baby, I was so enamoured with the fact that his room always smelled like fresh mountain air. I’ll never forget that lovely smell of sweet baby innocence.

Now? Not so much. It smells like stinky-scalp in there no matter how much we wash sheets, pillows, etc.

He, of course, has gone noseblind to it.

Funny thing is – my daughter, who is also in her 20s, makes sure her room smells like a princess lives there, without even trying.

Its a running joke in our family.

The middle aged men’s hygiene issues surprised me somewhat. These guys have likely been around the dating block a few times, and are now married. They should know better on how thier stink affects their wives.

Does married life stress, or depress them to the point of not taking care of themselves?

No matter how bad my marriage gets, I’d die before I let my hygiene go.

Really, if a guy, or anyone else, told me I smelled bad, I would shrink away into a puddle of nothingness, like that witch on The Wizard of Oz. I am a 2-shower a day kinda gal, and constantly smelling my clothes. If they don’t pass the smell test, into the hamper it goes!

But what about husband’s? How do we go about discussing our husband’s poor hygiene issues?

It’s tricky. But it’s also important, because maintaining a level of mutual respect includes addressing our husband’s hygiene concerns without causing unnecessary friction. Many times, women make the mistake of waiting too long to say something, until they are ready to absolutely explode emotionally, which leads to resentment that one may not be able to come back from.

Strategies for Discussing Your Husband’s Hygiene Issues

So, how do you bring up your husband’s bad hygiene without starting World War III? Let’s dig into some thought-provoking strategies.

1. Start by Checking Your Own Biases

Before you even open your mouth, ask yourself: Why does your husband’s poor hygiene bother you? Sure, nobody loves the smell of day-old gym socks, but is this about him or about you?

Sometimes, what triggers us is rooted in insecurity, or personal hang-ups— and we tend to project those onto our partner. Maybe you grew up in a family where cleanliness was everything, or maybe you’ve internalized societal pressures about how men should present themselves.

If it’s more about your standards than his, then the conversation might need to start with examining your own expectations.

That’s not to say you should put up with your husband’s bad hygiene forever. But understanding where your frustration comes from will help you navigate this conversation without projecting personal anxieties onto him.

2. Avoid the “Fixer” Mentality

Many of us fall into the trap of thinking we need to “fix” our men.

We notice something off—whether it’s their husband’s poor hygiene, their eating habits, or their wardrobe choices—and feel compelled to step in and correct it.

But here’s the catch: nobody likes feeling like a project. When you approach your husband’s hygiene as something that needs to be “fixed,” you instantly put him on the defensive. And that’s where the fight starts.

Instead, think of this as a conversation, not a problem-solving session. He’s not a kid who needs a reminder to brush his teeth before bed. He’s your partner, and addressing your husband’s bad hygiene should come from a place of respect, not control. You’re both adults, and neither of you should feel like you’re parenting the other.

3. Leverage Moments of Intimacy

What many of these men don’t seem to give much thought to is how it affects their sex life — as in the possibility of it disappearing and resulting in a sexless marriage. While there are many issues that lead to a lack of intimacy, a husband’s bad hygiene issues can rank pretty high. No one wants to deal with an eye watering stench while trying to get down and dirty!

Here’s a non-obvious approach: use moments of intimacy to address your husband’s hygiene issues.

Instead of having a “serious talk” about his bad hygiene (which, let’s be honest, no one wants to have), why not mention it when you’re already close? Let’s say you’re snuggling on the couch or getting ready for bed—those are prime moments when a gentle nudge can come across as loving rather than critical.

For example, you could say something like, “I love being close to you, but it’d be even better if we both felt totally fresh.” It’s a subtle way of addressing the issue without making him feel like he’s being attacked. It’s about framing the conversation as something that will enhance your intimacy, rather than something that’s purely about his faults.

Which leads me to my next point…

4. Link Hygiene to Confidence and Attraction

Nobody talks about this enough: your husband’s hygiene isn’t just about not smelling bad. It’s also deeply connected to confidence and attraction. When your husband is taking care of his hygiene, he likely feels better about himself, and that energy is contagious. You’re naturally more attracted to someone who carries themselves with confidence.

So, instead of framing your husband’s poor hygiene as something that bothers you, frame it as something that impacts him. You might say, “I notice you seem a lot more energized and confident when you take that extra time for yourself.”

This shifts the focus from your husband’s hygiene being about your comfort, to it being about his well-being.

This approach not only takes the heat off of you being “the nagging wife,” but it also taps into a core human desire: we all want to feel good in our own skin.

5. Acknowledge That Hygiene Habits are Often Tied to Mental Health

It’s not the first thing that comes to mind when discussing hygiene, but if your husband’s bad hygiene is a consistent issue, it’s worth considering whether there’s something deeper going on. Sometimes, poor hygiene habits are symptoms of stress, anxiety, or even depression. People who feel mentally or emotionally drained often struggle to keep up with basic self-care routines.

If you’ve noticed other signs of distress—like mood changes, isolation, or general fatigue—it might be worth exploring this angle instead of jumping straight to criticism. The conversation could start with something like, “I’ve noticed you seem a little off lately, and I wonder if there’s anything you want to talk about.”

In this case, addressing your husband’s bad hygiene becomes less about grooming, and more about emotional support. And that’s a conversation that could not only avoid a fight, but also bring you closer together.

6. Don’t Overlook the Power of Leading by Example

Actions speak louder than words, right? If you want to encourage improvement for your husband’s hygiene without coming off as judgmental, start by focusing on your own routines. When you prioritize your own self-care, it sets a standard without you needing to say anything at all.

I’m not suggesting you guilt him into better hygiene by being a walking commercial for body wash. But sometimes, simply talking about how fresh you feel after a shower or mentioning how good it feels to take care of yourself can inspire him to follow suit.

If you bring energy into your self-care routines and talk about them with enthusiasm, it could trigger the same motivation in him. No confrontation necessary—just pure influence.

7. Make it a Team Effort

Your husband’s hygiene doesn’t have to be a solo thing. Get creative with it! Suggest doing things together that incorporate hygiene—whether it’s taking a relaxing shower after a hike or hitting the spa for a couples’ day. These shared experiences create a positive association with hygiene and make it feel less like an obligation and more like a bonding activity.

This approach is especially effective because it reframes hygiene as a shared responsibility, not just something you’re nagging him about. Plus, who doesn’t love a little extra pampering?

The Most Important Parts

Wash Your Clothes

Make sure to wear clean clothes every day. If you don’t, you’ll smell bad, regardless of how clean your body is. After making sure your body is clean, the clothes come next in order of importance. There is sweat, urine, dead skin cells, etc on worn clothes. Even if you didn’t sweat, they can still stink. If you find yourself without clean clothes, reflect on why you haven’t done the laundry.

Private Parts

After you urinate, ensure your Johnson is dry before putting on your boxers. Otherwise, it will smell like urine, and your legs, clothes and surrounding areas will smell too. I know this might be uncomfortable to hear, but acknowledging that your Peter requires maintenance is better than constantly smelling like pee.

Look at Your Reflection

Take a moment to look in the mirror. Many men skip this step. Ask yourself: Do you look dirty? Did you miss a spot while shaving? Is there food stuck in your beard? Just take a good look. And for heaven’s sake – keep that beard trimmed and clean. There is no need to save that stuck on food in your facial hair as a late night snack!


When you brush your teeth, make sure to clean every single one, paying special attention to the areas under your gums and your tongue. Skipping these spots can leave your teeth looking dirty and your breath smelling raaaannnnnk. Don’t forget to floss. Just brushing your teeth isn’t enough. Your mouth is like a trash can for rotting food, and that stuck in your teeth gunk smells disgusting and really affects your breath.

Brush your teeth before you kiss your partner. Please don’t turn “kiss me with bad breath” into some strange test of loyalty. Kissing should be enjoyable, so make sure it is.


Wash your hands thoroughly, including cleaning under your nails. No woman wants you to touch her with visibly dirty nails. There is a study that found nearly 70% of men don’t wash their hands after using the bathroom.

How to Discuss Your Husband’s Hygiene Without a Fight Infographic

Final Thoughts

Discussing your husband’s hygiene doesn’t have to end in a fight. In fact, when handled with thoughtfulness, empathy, and a little humor, it can lead to a deeper connection.

It isn’t about being critical or nagging—it’s about cultivating mutual respect, and attraction in your relationship. Whether you leverage moments of intimacy, lead by example, or approach the issue as a team, the goal is to create a positive dialogue. After all, our husband’s hygiene isn’t just about smelling good—it’s about feeling good, and strengthening your relationship along the way.

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