7 Signs Connecting Emotional Immaturity and Abusive Relationships
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

7 Signs Connecting Emotional Immaturity and Abusive Relationships

In the tangled web of abusive relationships, emotional immaturity often hides behind a veneer of charm or normalcy. While it’s easy to pinpoint overt signs of abuse like contempt, control, or manipulation, recognizing emotional immaturity, and it’s connection to abusive relationships can be more nuanced. This immaturity isn’t just a personality flaw; it actively fuels and sustains the abuse. What Emotional Immaturity Is, and Isn’t In Abusive Relationships Emotional immaturity refers to a lack of development in managing and understanding one’s emotions and behaviors. It manifests as difficulty in handling stress, making responsible decisions, and empathizing with others. People exhibiting …

11 Unmistakable Signs Your Relationship is a Tolerable Level of Permanent Unhappiness
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

11 Unmistakable Signs Your Relationship is a Tolerable Level of Permanent Unhappiness

So many of us are living what is called a tolerable level of permanent unhappiness. We may not all be British, but many of us the world over have developed a “Keep Calm and Carry On” attitude when it comes to our marriages, and relationships. Living with a tolerance of unhappiness, and the sense of quiet desperation it brings, doesn’t have to be that way, but for many of us, it is. Today I’m discussing the how we reach this point, why we put up with it, and how to combat tolerance of unhappiness. What a Tolerable Level of Permanent …

6 Reasons Walkaway Wives Never Regret Leaving 'Good' Husbands
Blog Divorce Issues Love and Relationships

6 Reasons Walkaway Wives Never Regret Leaving ‘Good’ Husbands

Walkaway wives are often misunderstood, labeled as heartless or ungrateful for leaving what many would consider “good husbands”. However, the reality behind their decisions typically involves much deeper, more complex issues than the surface-level complaints of neglect or emotional disconnection. I can relate to this. On the outside, my husband may look like a great catch, and in many ways he is. He’s responsible, a hard worker, good-looking, he cooks, a great dad…all the things…and I have made sure to tell him this over the years. However, the day to day disrespect, dismissive attitude, snapping, being passive-aggressive, drinking, etc. has …

The Crushing Exhaustion: 5 Ways Good Wife Syndrome Takes a Toll
Blog Love and Relationships

Crushing Exhaustion: 5 Ways Good Wife Syndrome Takes a Toll

The “good wife” — society glorifies her. She’s the epitome of selflessness, always putting her family first, sacrificing her needs without hesitation. She maintains an immaculate home, raises perfect children, and supports her husband unconditionally. But beneath this polished exterior lies a silent struggle. Good Wife Syndrome isn’t just about traditional gender roles or being overly accommodating; it’s an insidious cycle of perfectionism that drains women emotionally and mentally, often in ways that aren’t immediately obvious. I’ve previously written posts about how Good Wife Syndrome can lead to Walkaway Wife, as well as the many ways being that perfect wife …

Sexless Marriages vs. Deeply Connected Unions: 15 Eye-Opening Comparisons
Blog Love and Relationships

Sexless Marriages vs. Deep Connection: 15 Eye-Opening Comparisons

When people think of sexless marriages, they often envision a relationship drained of passion, connection, and intimacy…that deep connection that we all crave. But the reality is more complex. Deep connection unions aren’t just about frequent physical intimacy. The differences between these two types of relationships go beyond the obvious, impacting everything from emotional health to day-to-day dynamics in ways many don’t immediately recognize. Some People Leave Their Sexless Marriages Some people decide they just can’t take it anymore and decide to leave. I wrote a post about this phenomenon here. I’ve heard for years now, that at least 10-20% …

How Bitter Men View Women: 15 Shocking Examples of How They Cope
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

How Bitter Men View Women: 15 Shocking Examples of How They Cope

The Bitter Men Club strikes again. Content creators for the news aggregator that I write for, get NO options for blocking these mouth breathers, whose boorish comments lend absolutely nothing useful to the conversation. Just the same bitter men and their usual word vomit, befitting of the lonesome losers they know they are. I know most content creators don’t bother reading the comments. I can see why. If I was one of thinner skin, I think it would start affecting my mental health. However, my skin has thickened, and that is why I’ll be sharing some of their more revealing …

The Mystery of Princess Treatment: Who Gets It and Why
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

The Mystery of Princess Treatment: Who Gets It and Why

In relationships, the “princess treatment” phenomenon often leaves many puzzled. Why do some women receive adoration, attention, and pampering, while others seem to miss out? This disparity isn’t about one person being more deserving than another; it’s rooted in a mix of societal norms, personal boundaries, and individual relationship dynamics. Understanding the “Princess Treatment” The term “princess treatment” refers to a scenario where one partner, usually the woman, is treated with an extra level of care, attention, and affection. This treatment can manifest in various ways, such as regular acts of kindness, thoughtful gestures, or a heightened sense of respect …

Can Opposing Political Views Destroy a Relationship?
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Can Opposing Political Views Destroy a Relationship?

In today’s polarized political climate, it’s not uncommon to find couples with opposing political views. While some navigate these differences with grace, others find them to be a significant source of tension, and even resentment. I guess I’m lucky, my spouse and I are on the same page politically. On other issues? Not so much. Since I write about relationship issues, I am always on the lookout for material to write about in relationship based groups, as well as in the comments (in fact the comments are much more interesting than the actual post, in my opinion.) Since 2016, I’ve …

Fragile Masculinity: The Root of Controlling Behavior in Relationships
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Fragile Masculinity: The Root of Controlling Behavior in Relationships

Controlling behavior in relationships often stems from deeper issues than just a desire for power. One significant root cause is fragile masculinity, a concept that can be surprisingly pervasive and destructive. Fragile masculinity doesn’t always manifest as blatant sexism or aggression; sometimes, it shows up in more insidious ways, like controlling behaviors that typically happen in some rather predictable stages, and can erode trust, and intimacy in a relationship. One thing to remember, the root cause of controlling and abusive relationships, is fragile masculinity, and control is always at the root of abusive relationships. Fragile masculinity isn’t just a new …

Male Fragility and Abusive Relationships: The Psychological Underpinnings
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Male Fragility and Abusive Relationships: The Psychological Underpinnings

One of the things I love about being a content creator for a news aggregator, is all the topic ideas I get from the comments men make there. They never fail to show their male fragility, and the abusive behavior that stems from it, on full display, in all it’s crippled glory. Since I write relationship articles, mostly for women, and from a woman’s point of view, I get a lot of heat, and some downright nasty comments from the men over there. I know I’m not the only one, because I see the same thing on other relationship articles, …