Incel Phenomenon Revealed: 9 Critical Facts Women Must Know
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Incel Phenomenon Revealed: 9 Critical Facts Women Must Know

The rise of the Incel Phenomenon isn’t just another blip in internet culture; it’s a movement with roots that women, in particular, need to understand deeply. The term “incel”—short for involuntary celibate—began as a way to describe those struggling with unwanted singleness. Today, however, the incel phenomenon has morphed into something far more alarming. The current incel phenomenon subculture is laced with dehumanization of women, misogyny, violence, and a warped sense of entitlement toward women’s bodies and attention. It’s essential to dive deeper into the history of incels, as well as the psychological profile of incels, to grasp the real …

9 Hidden Resentments Driving Wives to Walk Away from 'Perfect' Marriages
Blog Divorce Issues Love and Relationships

9 Hidden Resentments That Make Wives Walk Away from “Perfect” Marriages

In today’s world, where the facade of the “perfect” marriage often graces social media and idealized narratives, many wives are quietly stepping away from relationships that, on the surface, seem flawless. This departure might appear sudden or inexplicable, especially when a marriage is draped in external signs of success—beautiful homes, joint ventures, and seemingly harmonious family life. However, beneath this glossy exterior lies a cauldron of hidden resentments that fuels the decision to walk away. 1. Unspoken Expectations and the Weight of Perfection Wives in “perfect” marriages frequently grapple with unspoken expectations. Society typically paints a picture of marital success …

Sexless Marriage: 7 Signs of Deeper Issues in Relationships
Blog Love and Relationships

Sexless Marriage: 7 Signs of Deeper Issues in Relationships

A sexless marriage isn’t just about what’s happening—or not happening—in the bedroom. While most people immediately think about sexual incompatibility or a simple lack of interest as the main culprits, a sexless marriage often points to signs of deeper issues that lie beneath the surface. It’s easy to brush off the lack of intimacy as a natural consequence of time or stress, but that perspective overlooks the complex emotional landscape that may be driving a couple apart. Recently I published an article about what a sexless marriage looks like, as opposed to one of a healthy, deeper connected union. The …

Broken Woman Syndrome: The Tragic Downfall of Strong Women
Blog Dating Love and Relationships Personal Development

Broken Woman Syndrome: The Tragic Downfall of Strong Women

Strong women don’t just crumble overnight. Their descent into what many are calling Broken Woman Syndrome is often a slow, painful unraveling, meticulously fueled by emotional manipulation, psychological abuse, and toxic relationships. While the term might seem harsh, it is an apt description of the emotional and mental breakdown that so many once-empowered women face in their relationships. What makes Broken Woman Syndrome tragic isn’t just the loss of their strength, but the insidious way in which that strength is systematically eroded. What Is Broken Woman Syndrome? Broken Woman Syndrome refers to the emotional and psychological breakdown experienced by strong …

The Harsh Truth About Emotional Labor Inequality for Women
Blog Love and Relationships

The Harsh Truth About Emotional Labor Inequality for Women

When people talk about emotional labor, they often picture the invisible tasks—remembering birthdays, scheduling doctor’s appointments, or soothing hurt feelings. But what many don’t grasp is just how deep emotional labor inequality runs in relationships, and the toll it takes on women who carry this unseen burden. This isn’t just about doing more chores or organizing family schedules; it’s about emotional labor imbalance and the control dynamics that follow. Emotional Labor Inequality is About Control The person responsible for emotional labor is always on alert, constantly regulating and organizing the needs of others. This creates a dynamic where the other …

11 Hidden Points of No Return for Women in Relationships
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

11 Hidden Points of No Return for Women in Relationships

In relationships, the term “points of no return” often evokes dramatic images of irrevocable breakups or explosive confrontations. But for many women, this critical juncture manifests in subtler, more nuanced ways. Understanding these less obvious signals can empower women to address issues before they escalate to a breaking point. As with walkaway wife syndrome, most women in relationships don’t reach the point of no return quickly. It’s usually a long, arduous journey fraught with guilt, sadness, emotional exhaustion, and even honest divorce discussions, or at least an attempt at it. Whether a clueless someone bothers to listen is another story. …

Empathic Ruptures in Relationships: 5 Critical Moments You Can’t Ignore
Blog Dating Friendship Issues Love and Relationships

Empathic Ruptures in Relationships: 5 Critical Moments You Can’t Ignore

Most of us have probably had empathic ruptures in relationships at some point in our lives. As I wrote previously, in the context of relationships, empathic ruptures don’t happen only in romantic relationships — but can also happen in other relationships as well. They can happen with doctors, therapists, parents, siblings, boss, co-workers, friends, etc. Anyone really. In relationships, most people expect conflict to revolve around obvious issues like communication breakdowns, differences in values, or financial stress. But what often goes unnoticed—and does even greater damage over time—are empathic ruptures. These moments, when one partner feels deeply misunderstood, dismissed, or …

Why Women Aren’t Seen as Fully Human by Men
Blog Career, Work and Money Dating Friendship Issues Lifestyle Love and Relationships Personal Development

Why Women Aren’t Seen as Fully Human by Men

Recently I ran across a rather mind-blowing, but evergreen, article from 2018 on The Cut with Terry Crews (a football player, actor and #MeToo activist) about the toxic culture of men not seeing women as fully human. In the article, Terry discusses toxic masculinity and how cult-like it is (his description). He equates it as being no different from Jim Jones or David Koresh , and goes on to say: This is what happens with men and women. […] As a woman, they talk, but a guy is not looking at you as even all the way human. This is …

The Link Between Fragile Masculinity, Abuse and Emotional Immaturity
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

The Link Between Fragile Masculinity, Abuse and Emotional Immaturity

In the complex world of relationships, fragile masculinity, abuse, and emotional immaturity often create a toxic brew that wreaks havoc on both partners. While these elements are frequently discussed in isolation, their interconnectedness reveals a darker, more insidious pattern of behavior that isn’t always obvious at first glance. Recently, I’ve written several rather eye-opening posts on how bitter men view women, how fragile masculinity is the root of controlling behavior in relationships, the psychological underpinnings between male fragility and abuse. Also, the connection between emotional immaturity and abuse. All of these articles are interconnected with the topic of male fragility …

10 Surprising Reasons Why Men Ignore Their Wives' Unhappiness
Blog Love and Relationships

10 Surprising Reasons Why Men Ignore Their Wives’ Unhappiness

When wives express unhappiness in a marriage, many women find themselves questioning whether their husbands genuinely care. Although it’s often assumed that a loving spouse would naturally be concerned about their partner’s emotional well-being, the reality can be quite different. Just my personal life observation, but I don’t think most men truly care about their wives’ unhappiness, due to all the walkaway wives out there. One of the biggest complaints from walkaway wives is how they begged their husbands to spend time with them, at the very least, and the men ignore it. They reinforce this by making you believe …