15 Disgusting, Sketchy Things Creepy Men Do

Disgusting Things Creepy Men Are Guilty Of

Most of us women have had to deal with creepy men, whether it be at work, out in public, or on a blind date, at some point or another, but how can we spot and avoid them?

The term “creepy men” encompasses a broad spectrum of behaviors, from subtle discomfort to outright fear. While the definition itself is subjective, it generally refers to men who engage in behaviors that make others feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or violated.

I remember my first experience with a man that gave me major creepy men vibes. I was about 8 or 9 years old and I was in 4-H for raising and showing rabbits. One of the men involved with it took me to a local 4-H rabbit show. I can’t remember why it was just he and I, maybe the other kids couldn’t make the rabbit show, I don’t remember.

He was SUPER quiet, stared at me a little too long, and not real “in the know” socially. I was so afraid of him, I could barely speak. We had been at the show for a while and I was thirsty, so I asked him if I could go to the concession stand to get some punch. I guess I took too long deciding, and he said, “If you don’t hurry up and order that punch, I’m gonna punch YOU.”

As you can imagine, my creepy man radar was buzzing at a dizzyingly loud volume in my head, and I was terrified after that. The minutes ticked by like days. The day finally ended, and I couldn’t wait to get in the car when my mom finally picked me up. I was practically crying with relief.

What a powerful lesson to listen to my instincts. Although I may have read him wrong, and nothing happened, it didn’t matter. What mattered was the undeniable way he made me feel, and that feeling was scared stiff.

Thank God, I never saw him again after that, and I was so grateful my mom understood and didn’t push the issue. The lesson I learned as a young girl that day is what it felt like to be beyond uncomfortable around a strange man. In other words, I learned early on to identify what my body, mind, and instincts were telling me that day. Of course, there have been plenty of other run-ins with creeps, but that one is my personal earliest memory.

Video for 15 Disgusting, Sketchy Things Creepy Men Are Guilty Of

Do Creepy Men Know They Are a Creep?

It’s difficult to make a blanket statement about whether creepy men are aware of their actions. Some may be oblivious to the impact they have on others, while others may consciously choose to act in ways they know are inappropriate. Regardless of their awareness, the negative impact on the people around them remains.

How Do Men End Up Being Creepy?

There are several factors that can contribute to creepy behavior in men. These can include:

Lack of social awareness: Some men may not be able to accurately read social cues and misinterpret signals from others.

Entitlement: A sense of entitlement can lead creepy men to believe they are entitled to attention or affection, regardless of how it is received.
Misogyny: Deep-seated negative attitudes towards women can manifest in behavior that is disrespectful and demeaning.

Lack of empathy: An inability to understand the feelings and experiences of others can lead to insensitive and hurtful behavior.

Exposure to harmful media: Consuming media that portrays women as objects or reinforces negative stereotypes can shape unhealthy attitudes and behaviors.

How Do I Get Rid of a Creep?

If you encounter a creepy man, it’s important to prioritize your safety and well-being. Here are some strategies you can use that may be dependent on the situation you are in:

Set boundaries: Clearly and firmly communicate what you are and are not comfortable with.

Trust your gut: If something feels off, don’t ignore it. Remove yourself from the situation and seek help if necessary.

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Document and report: If the behavior is persistent or threatening, document the incidents and report them to authorities.

Surround yourself with support: Let friends, family, and colleagues know what you’re experiencing and seek their support.

Why Do Women Have a “Creep Detector”?

Women often develop a strong intuition about men who make them feel uncomfortable. This “creep detector” is likely a product of evolutionary adaptations that helped women avoid potential danger. It’s essential to listen to this intuition and take it seriously. Even with all the leaps and bounds that women have made in the world-we are still targeted and victimized. It’s heartbreaking and so unnecessary, but praise the Lord we have that instinct to listen to.

What Triggers Creepiness in Men?

Several factors can trigger creepy behavior in men, including:

Feeling rejected: Rejection can trigger feelings of anger, frustration, and a desire for control, which can manifest in harassing or stalking behavior.

Alcohol and drug use: Substance use can impair judgment and lower inhibitions, leading to behavior that the person would not engage in otherwise.

Mental health issues: Underlying mental health conditions, such as anxiety or personality disorders, can contribute to inappropriate social interactions.

15 Sketchy Things Creepy Men Are Guilty Of:

  1. Unwanted staring and lingering looks

Unwanted staring, though seemingly innocuous, can have a profound negative impact on the target, causing discomfort, anxiety, and even fear. This behavior violates personal space, objectifies and dehumanizes, and creates an intimidating power imbalance.

2. Overstepping personal boundaries and invading physical space

Overstepping personal boundaries and invading physical space is another common manifestation of innappropriate behavior in creepy men. This can range from subtle actions like lingering too close in conversation or brushing past someone unnecessarily, to more overt violations like cornering someone in a room or touching them without consent.

Regardless of the severity, these actions disregard an individual’s right to personal space and autonomy, creating a sense of discomfort, vulnerability, and even fear. This behavior is particularly harmful as it not only violates the individual’s physical boundaries but also undermines their sense of safety and agency. It reinforces harmful power dynamics and creates an environment where individuals, especially women, feel unsafe and unsure of how to protect themselves.

3. Making inappropriate or sexually suggestive comments

Making inappropriate or sexually suggestive comments ranks high on the list of creepy men behaviors, often leaving individuals feeling uncomfortable, objectified, and even violated. These comments can range from crude jokes and unwanted compliments to lewd remarks and explicit propositions.

Regardless of the wording, such actions demonstrate a lack of respect for the individual’s boundaries and disregard their autonomy and right to be free from unwanted sexual attention. The impact of these comments goes beyond the immediate discomfort; they can chip away at an person’s sense of safety and self-worth, reinforcing harmful stereotypes and creating an environment where women, in particular, feel constantly judged and scrutinized.

4. Following someone without their knowledge or consent

Following someone without their knowledge or consent is perhaps one of the most chilling and unsettling forms of creepy men behavior. This action not only violates an individual’s privacy, but also instills a profound sense of fear and vulnerability. It sends a clear message that the follower is disregarding the target’s right to feel safe and secure, effectively dismantling their sense of control and autonomy.

The act of being followed can trigger a range of emotions, from anxiety and nervousness to outright panic and fear. It can disrupt daily routines, erode trust in others, and make individuals feel constantly vigilant and on edge.

Creepy man

5. Asking intrusive or personal questions

Asking intrusive or personal questions is a subtle yet insidious form of creepy men behavior that can leave women feeling uncomfortable, pressured, and even violated. These questions often delve into private matters like relationships, family life, or financial status, topics that are not appropriate for casual conversation and often exceed the level of intimacy established in the situation.

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By asking such inquiries, men demonstrate a disregard for the other person’s boundaries and privacy, essentially pressuring them to share information they may not be comfortable disclosing. The impact of this behavior goes beyond the immediate discomfort; it can create a power imbalance where the individual feels obligated to answer to avoid judgment or further interrogation.

6. Ignoring or dismissing someone’s discomfort

Ignoring or dismissing someone’s discomfort is perhaps the most insidious and harmful aspect of creepy men behavior. By refusing to acknowledge the impact their actions have on others, men perpetuate a culture of disregard and disrespect, essentially dismissing the feelings and experiences of those they interact with.

This behavior normalizes creepy actions and creates an environment where individuals, especially women, feel unheard, invalidated, and ultimately unsafe. Ignoring someone’s discomfort can manifest in various ways, from dismissing verbal expressions of discomfort as “overreacting” to minimizing the impact of intrusive behavior and justifying actions as “harmless.” The consequences of such behavior are far-reaching. It erodes trust in men, contributes to feelings of isolation and vulnerability, and hinders open communication about uncomfortable situations.

7. Using manipulative tactics to gain attention or affection

Using manipulative tactics to gain attention or affection is a particularly insidious form of creepy men actions, as it preys on the victim’s emotional vulnerabilities and desire for connection. These tactics can range from guilt-tripping and emotional blackmail to feigned vulnerability and exaggerated flattery.

Men who engage in this behavior often target individuals with low self-esteem or those who crave validation, exploiting their need for approval to gain control and manipulate their feelings. The impact of such actions can be devastating, leaving the victim feeling emotionally drained, confused, and ultimately manipulated. In some cases, it can even lead to codependency and abusive relationships.

8. Making suggestive gestures or unwanted advances

Making suggestive gestures or unwanted advances is a blatant violation of personal space and boundaries, leaving women feeling uncomfortable, objectified, and even violated. These actions, ranging from lewd gestures and suggestive stares to unsolicited touching and inappropriate advances, disregard the target’s right to bodily autonomy and consent. They often serve as an extension of the male gaze, objectifying individuals and reducing them to mere objects of desire.

The impact of such behavior can be deeply unsettling, leading to feelings of fear, anxiety, and even post-traumatic stress disorder. It can create a climate of fear and distrust, particularly for women, who are disproportionately targeted by this type of behavior.

9. Trying to control or dominate someone

Trying to control or dominate someone represents a dangerous escalation in creepy men behavior, revealing a deeper-seated desire for power and manipulation. This can manifest in various ways, from dictating someone’s actions and decisions to isolating them from friends and family, all in an attempt to exert control and assert dominance.

15 Disgusting, Sketchy Things Creepy Men Do Infographic

Men who engage in this behavior often exhibit possessive tendencies and jealousy, viewing their partners as objects to be owned rather than individuals with their own agency and desires. The impact of being controlled and dominated can be devastating, leading to feelings of isolation, anxiety, and even depression. It can erode self-esteem, stifle personal growth, and create a climate of fear and oppression within relationships.

10. Threatening or intimidating behavior

Threatening or intimidating behavior represents the most dangerous and unacceptable form of creepy men’s behavior. Often escalating from previous transgressions and culminating in deliberate actions designed to instill fear and control. This can range from verbal threats and veiled warnings to physical aggression and stalking, all aimed at silencing the victim and forcing them into submission.

Men who engage in this behavior are often driven by a sense of entitlement and a desire for power, viewing their control over the victim as a means of validating their own sense of masculinity. The impact of threats and intimidation can be devastating, leading to severe anxiety, PTSD, and even physical harm. It can create a climate of constant fear and uncertainty, making it difficult for the victim to feel safe or secure in any environment.

11. Spreading rumors or gossip

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Spreading rumors or gossip about someone is not only a harmful and hurtful act but also a form of creepy men’s actions. This manipulative tactic aims to damage someone’s reputation, social standing, and relationships often through fabricated or exaggerated information.

Driven by motives like envy, resentment, or even control, men who engage in this behavior exploit others’ trust and disregard the potential consequences of their actions. The impact of such malicious gossip can be devastating, leading to isolation, emotional distress, and even reputational damage.

12. Taking unwanted pictures or videos

Taking unwanted pictures or videos is a particularly insidious form of creepy behavior, as it violates an individual’s privacy in a profound way and can leave them feeling exposed, violated, and even threatened. This behavior can range from surreptitiously snapping photos without consent to recording unsuspecting individuals in public spaces or even invading their personal spaces to capture images or videos.

Such actions demonstrate a blatant disregard for the victim’s right to control their own image and privacy, often motivated by a desire to objectify, exploit, or even blackmail them. The impact of unwanted recording can be deeply traumatic, leading to anxiety, fear, and even post-traumatic stress disorder. It can erode trust in others, make individuals feel unsafe in public spaces, and even discourage them from engaging in certain activities.

13. Using technology to stalk or harass someone

In the digital age, technology has unfortunately become a potent tool for creepy behavior in men, enabling them to stalk and harass individuals with an alarming degree of ease and anonymity. This can manifest in various ways, from incessant messaging and unwanted calls to online stalking, monitoring activity on social media platforms, and even the use of spyware to track movements and access personal information. By leveraging technology, men can invade someone’s personal space, exert undue control, and create a constant sense of fear and vulnerability.

The impact of such behavior can be devastating, leading to anxiety, depression, and even post-traumatic stress disorder. It can also exacerbate feelings of isolation and make it difficult for individuals to feel safe in their own homes and online spaces.

14. Exposing themselves or engaging in indecent behavior

Exposing oneself or engaging in indecent behavior represents the most blatant and unacceptable form of creepy behavior, violating not only personal boundaries but also societal norms and legal codes. This egregious act, motivated by a perverse sense of entitlement and disregard for others’ well-being, can have profoundly traumatic consequences for the victim. The emotional impact can range from intense fear and disgust to long-term anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. This behavior not only infringes upon the victim’s right to safety and security but also undermines their sense of agency and control.

15. Using physical violence or force

As the most extreme form of creepy behavior, using physical violence or force against an individual shatters all boundaries and inflicts profound physical and emotional harm. Driven by aggression, anger, and a desire for control, men who engage in this behavior disregard the victim’s right to bodily autonomy and safety, often leaving them with lasting physical injuries and deep emotional trauma. The impact of physical violence extends far beyond the immediate incident, often leading to post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, and a sense of constant fear and vulnerability.


It’s important to remember that not all men who exhibit these behaviors are “creepy,” some are just wierd assholes! However, being aware of these red flags can help women identify potentially harmful situations and take steps to protect themselves.

So, ladies, listen to your gut. Even though you may have read him wrong, your safety is first and foremost and miles above his butt hurt ego. Many women are so sensitive to the other person’s feelings that sometimes we sacrifice our safety for it — what a terrible trade-off!

Obviously a creep isn’t going to care about your feelings, or they wouldnt be one!

Listen to your gut, even if it’s wrong, so what! It is also right more times than not, so don’t take your chances. Just remove yourself from the situation asap.

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