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26 Ways to Protect Yourself From an Angry Drunk
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

26 Ways to Protect Yourself From an Angry Drunk

If you’ve ever had the “lovely” experience of trying to protect yourself from an angry drunk, then you know how utterly unpleasant, chaotic, scary, and sometimes traumatic it can be. The ranting, the yelling, the screaming, and the destruction from an angry drunk spouse can be enough to give you nightmares for the rest of your life. Or at least some major resentment in the relationship that can be hard to overcome. If you are a woman, or a child, it can be absolutely terrifying to see this person go berserk and lose control. I’ve dealt with my angry drunk …

Empathic Rupture: When the Essential Bond of Empathy Breaks
Blog Dating Friendship Issues Lifestyle Love and Relationships

Empathic Rupture: When the Essential Bond of Empathy Breaks

When I read an article about empathic rupture by Dr Psych Mom, I was intrigued. I thought back in time during my life when I’ve experienced this from other people. Oddly, the first thought I had was not with my husband, (I’ll get to that in a minute,) but an incident with my GP doctor, which highlights the fact that you don’t have to be married to someone to experience this. It can happen in any relationship. I’d been seeing my GP Doctor for years. The last time, was for a variety of health issues, but the one burning issue …

7 Burning Signs of Crazy-Making Behavior in Relationships
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

7 Burning Signs of Crazy-Making Behavior in Relationships

“Crazy-making” is a form of emotional abuse where the abuser manipulates the victim’s perception of reality, making them doubt their own experiences, memories, and sanity. This tactic is often used to gain control and maintain power over the victim. After maddening, and incessant crazy-making behavior from my husband, that lasted for years, I lost it one night last winter on him for purposely leaving a bathroom window open when it was freezing outside, making the entire house cold, after I’d spent the day chasing around to keep the damn windows shut. I was incredulous that he’d done it again, after …

Contempt in Relationships: 5 Eye Opening Examples, Its Disastrous Effects
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Contempt in Relationships: 5 Eye Opening Examples, Its Disastrous Effects

Contempt in relationships manifests through behaviors that show a lack of respect and can severely damage the emotional and psychological well-being of the victim. When one partner frequently rolls their eyes, uses sarcasm, mocks, or dismisses their significant other, it sends a clear message of disdain and superiority. These actions chip away at the recipient’s self-esteem and destroy the trust and mutual respect essential for a healthy relationship. Contempt makes the victim feel like their thoughts, feelings, and contributions don’t matter, creating a toxic environment where open communication and emotional safety disappear….and leaves the door wide open for resentment. Contempt …

3 Secret Clues Your Body Is Rejecting Someone
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

3 Secret Clues Your Body Is Rejecting Someone

I remember the first time I felt that sensation that my body is rejecting someone (also known as “The Ick”.) It was over something really dumb. I went on a date with a guy I worked with that ended up being a total disaster. His mistake? He showed up wearing corduroy pants. Yes, that’s the reason my body rejected him, and I felt it physically clenching up inside as soon as I opened the door and saw him dressed like that. I admit, it was super petty of me, but it was the late 80s, and I was in my …

7 Examples of Covert Manipulation in Intimate Relationships
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

7 Examples of Covert Manipulation in Intimate Relationships

The 7 Most Common Covert Emotional Manipulation Tactics in Relationships Relationships are meant to be spaces of love, respect, and mutual support. However, there are instances where control dynamics creep in, turning what should be a partnership, into a source of manipulation and coercion. Covert manipulation serves as the basis for various types of domestic abuse. It revolves around power dynamics within relationships. Physical, financial, and manipulative abuse all stem from covert emotional manipulation tactics. What are the Main Phases of Covert Manipulation? Coercive control, also known as covert manipulation, is a term gaining recognition in recent years, refers to …

Narcissistic Psychological Blackmail: 9 Red Flags To Watch For
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Narcissistic Psychological Blackmail: 9 Red Flags To Watch For

Surviving Narcissistic Psychological Blackmail As someone who has navigated the treacherous waters of narcissistic emotional manipulation, I understand the toll it can take on one’s mental and emotional well-being. It’s a complex, and often subtle form of psychological manipulation that can leave you feeling trapped and powerless. Through my own experience, I’ve learned to identify the typical narcissistic psychological blackmail warning signs, develop coping strategies, and finally go on a journey of healing. Here are nine examples of red flags to watch for, along with some insights into coping with narcissistic abuse tactics and reclaiming your life. 9 Examples of …

Inside the Narcissistic Mind: 5 Reasons Truth Holds No Value
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Inside the Narcissistic Mind: 5 Reasons Truth Holds No Value

Narcissism, a term derived from the Greek myth of Narcissus, speaks volumes about an individual’s self-absorption, grandiosity, and inability to empathize with others. When it comes to truth, narcissists seem to have an uncanny ability to twist, manipulate, or outright disregard it. When their very definition of “success” is control and power, they can’t let a pesky thing like truth and honesty get in the way. They’ve got bigger fish to fry! Today, we dive deep into the psyche of the narcissistic mind, discussing why truth holds no value for them, what really goes on in their consciousness, the big …

Healthy Boundaries in Relationships: Never Tolerate These 9 Behaviors
Blog Dating Friendship Issues Lifestyle Love and Relationships Personal Development

Healthy Boundaries in Relationships: Never Tolerate These 9 Behaviors

In cultivating fulfilling and respectful relationship limits, maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships is paramount. Whether with friends, family, or romantic partners, setting clear examples of healthy boundaries ensures mutual respect, understanding, and emotional well-being. To uphold examples of healthy boundaries, there are certain behaviors I never tolerate. These nine practices serve as my guiding principles in encouraging healthy and fulfilling relationships, safeguarding both my own integrity and the integrity of others. When setting healthy boundaries in relationships, it’s important to make it known that there will be consequences if your relationship limits are crossed….and stick to them! Healthy Boundaries in …

Narcissistic Control: 15 Sneaky Tactics and How to Counter Them
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Narcissistic Control: 15 Sneaky Tactics – How to Counter Them

Introduction Navigating relationships can be complex, especially when dealing with individuals who possess narcissistic tendencies, as found in Dark Triad personality disorders. These people often employ various tactics to maintain control and manipulate those around them. Many of us may be totally unaware that we are being controlled until we are deep in a relationship — narcs are that good at what they do! In fact, they live for it. All the world’s a stage, when you’re a narc, and we are just supporting actors. Recognizing these tactics is important for preserving one’s well-being and autonomy. In this article, we’ll …