The Great Depression 2.0: 30 Frugal Lessons For Hard Times
Blog Career, Work and Money Lifestyle Personal Development

Great Depression 2.0: 30 Frugal Lessons For Hard Times

How did people during the Great Depression era manage a frugal life, and what financial lessons can we learn from their experiences that we can use today? As a child, I used to sit wide-eyed at my grandmother’s knee, listening to her captivating tales of growing up during the Great Depression. I still chuckle to myself once in a while when I remember her closet full to the top with toilet paper! I guess that’s one thing we never want to go without. Covid-19 reaffirmed this with the “Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020.”  Her stories of making do with …

15 Damaging Parenting Mistakes That Can Feed Narcissism in Children
Blog Lifestyle Parenting

15 Damaging Parenting Mistakes That Feed Narcissism in Children

Are you unknowingly making these 15 parenting mistakes that could be fueling narcissism in your children? Narcissists. The word seems so overused these days. You go in to any relationship forum, and it seems everyone is either married to or divorcing a narc. Surely, there can’t be THAT many of them out there…right? Without an official, professional diagnosis, it’s difficult to tell for sure – but it’s safe to say there are a lot of people out there with narcissistic tendencies. If this is true, have you ever wondered how narcs are “created?” Most of us have an inkling that …

The 5 Alarming Ways Dark Triad Traits Impact Romantic Relationships
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

5 Alarming Ways Dark Triad Traits Impact Romantic Relationships

Did you know that up to 10% of the population may exhibit traits of the Dark Triad of personality disorders, and that individuals with these traits are more likely to engage in toxic and damaging behaviors in relationships? I dated someone who seemed too good to be true – and I was hooked. Charming, confident, and irresistible, they had a way of drawing me in and making me feel like the center of their universe. Little did I know, I was getting tangled up with someone who embodied the dark triad of personality disorders, and it was a rollercoaster of …

A Survivor's Warning on Narcissism, the Dark Triad and 10 Traits of a Narcissist
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Survivor’s Warning on Narcissism: 10 Traits of a Narcissist

In human relationships, some people possess personality traits that can lead to toxic and destructive partnerships. One such personality disorder is narcissism, often associated with the Dark Triad. As a survivor who navigated the treacherous waters of a relationship with a narcissist, I feel compelled to share my story and offer insights on why Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a crucial component of the Dark Triad. I will explain how it negatively impacts relationships, the telltale signs of a narcissistic partner, and ultimately, how to escape such a damaging connection. How Narcissism is Part of the Dark Triad The Dark …

Psychology of Power: Psychopathy in Relationships and 4 Ways to Protect Yourself
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Psychopathy in Relationships and 4 Ways to Protect Yourself

My journey into the abyss began with the discovery of the psychopathic trait within my partner The Dark Triad of Psychopathy in Romantic Relationships As I reflect on the harrowing journey I’ve undertaken, escaping the grip of a relationship marked by the disturbing presence of the Dark Triad, the memories are as vivid as the scars it left behind. It’s an experience that has reshaped my understanding of relationships, illuminating the malevolent traits that compose the Dark Triad—psychopathy, narcissism, and Machiavellianism. I invite you to make your way through the entanglement of a relationship tainted by psychopathy, exploring this area …

The Narcissist and Empathy: The Agonizing Moment I Realized I Should Never Expect It
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Narcissists: I Realized Not to Expect Empathy – 6 Essential Coping Methods

My heart sank as I faced the cold reality that had lingered beneath the surface of my relationship for far too long. The agonizing moment, when I realized I should never expect empathy from a narcissist felt like a tidal wave crashing over me, washing away the illusions of love and understanding that I had desperately clung to. In the midst of a conversation with my controling, narcissistic husband, a profound realization began to crystallize—an unsettling awareness that he was fundamentally incapable of genuine compassion. It was a moment that etched itself into the fabric of my understanding, revealing the …

You Can't Afford to Overlook These 9 Subtle, But Frightening Signs of Identity Theft
Blog Career, Work and Money Lifestyle

Identity Theft: You Can’t Afford to Overlook These 9 Signs

In the contemporary digital landscape, the threat of identity theft looms large, affecting millions annually. Cybercriminals can pilfer personal information like Social Security numbers, credit card details, and bank account information, deploying it for fraudulent activities, opening unauthorized accounts, and causing irreparable harm to credit scores. Recognizing the early signs of identity theft is paramount to taking swift action and mitigating potential damage. 9 Crucial Indicators to Remain Vigilant About 2. Unexpected Medical Bills: 3. Unsolicited Credit Cards: 4. Credit Report Discrepancies: 5. Debt Collection Notices for Unknown Debt: 6. Unexpected Credit Denial: 7. Missing Mail or Email: 8. Access …

Listen to Your Body: Physical Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Listen to Your Body: 9 Physical Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Relationships, ideally a source of love and support, can sometimes turn nasty, leaving us struggling with emotional distress that can manifest physical warning signs of a toxic relationship. Understanding the physical warning signs of being in a toxic relationship is crucial for recognizing when a connection has taken a toll on your well-being. In this article, we will talk about nine physical symptoms that may indicate a toxic relationship, and on how our bodies can become the silent messengers in matters of the heart. Physical Warning Signs I Experienced in My Toxic Relationship I’ve been married for 30 years now. …

Machiavellianism in Relationships and 9 Helpful Ways to Handle It
Blog Dating Love and Relationships

Machiavellianism in Relationships: 9 Helpful Ways to Handle It

Machiavellianism, a term derived from the works of Niccolò Machiavelli, has found its place in modern psychology, particularly within the infamous Dark Triad personality traits. This intriguing and often controversial behavioral pattern raises numerous questions about its origins, psychological underpinnings, and its impact on various aspects of life, including romantic relationships. In this comprehensive exploration, we discuss the roots of Machiavellianism, its connection to the Dark Triad, and its influence on interpersonal relationships. Understanding Machiavellian Behavior Machiavellianism, as a trait, is characterized by manipulation, cunning, and a strategic approach to social interactions. Individuals who exhibit Machiavellian behavior prioritize their own …